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Dimensions, Aren't They Fun?

Dimensions, Aren't They Fun?

Howdy readers! Fission here to tell you the reality of the many dimensions. Please bare in mind the theoretical nature of this topic as it is impossible with modern science to physically examine other dimensions.

Many people refute the concept of dimensions. These people are what I like to call, wrong. Typically, people dismiss their science fiction concept of

what dimensions are. So, let me explain what's really going on.
Look at the image below.
Pretty boring, right?


What you see here is the first dimension! (Or a model of it...)

This is not entirely accurate however. To truly represent the first dimension you would not be able to see the line as it would h
ave no thickness. This is because the first dimension can only exist along the [x] axis (think graphically).

The first dimension doesn't really do anything, so I'm going to move on.

Below is a representation of the second dimension.

This is where things get interesting!

The second dimension is contained w
ithin both the [x] and the [y] axes. This dimension is home to squares, circles, triangles, and all the other shapes you know and love.

This realm is also home to a place called Flatland.

Flatland is the setting of the novella "Flatland: A Romance of many Dimensions" by Edwin Abbott Abbott. I shall focus on the scientific aspects of this concept. More regarding Flatland can be found here:

Flatland is the tale of life within the second dimension. As one can picture, objects within this dimension (assuming they could move) would be capable of going around one another if they came into contact, something that cannot happen in the first dimension.

I shall return to Flatland later in this post. For now, the third dimension!

Look to your left. Look to your right. Up. Down. You just saw the third dimension.

Below is a box (more or less). It is contained on the [x], [y], and [z] axes.

Objects in the third dimension have a depth, the first two dimensions do not. This depth is what allows us to interact with things in our world as we know it.

I'm sure you have experience with the dimension you live in, so once again, moving on...

The truly mind bending concept with regard to dimensions is how they interact.

To begin, if something from the second dimension were to pass through the first dimension, only a phase would be detected within the first dimension.

Were the circle to pass through the first dimension, the image on the right is all that would be present in the first dimension (I extended the image upwards so it could be seen easier).

A similar effect would be seen when dealing with a three dimensional object passing through the second dimension. The circle above would be the two dimensional phase of a ball or cylinder.

Sadly, I cannot explain the interaction between the third and fourth dimensions due to my lack of artistic ability, however, these concepts are explained magnificently by Carl Sagan in this video:

The final point I wish to discuss on the matter of 2D objects in our dimension. I have no information for you regarding this, it is more meant to get you thinking. I have not found any scientific research on this topic, so I'll have to rely on what I already know of dimensions.

Personally, I do not believe a 2D object can exist in the third dimension as it does not satisfy the [z] axis criteria.

Please, let us know what you think by leaving your hypothesis in the comments! If you think there can be 2D objects in our dimension, please try to give an example of how (I find this topic incredibly interesting & would love to hear some different opinions).

On a semi-unrelated note, here's a link to an inspiring Neil deGrasse Tyson video.

It blew my mind. I'm never going to look at the stars the same way ever again.


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